Autism – The Red Triangle

Autism – The Red Triangle

This drawing can be adapted to other types of special learning, thus proving the versatility of the Tactile Images READER application.  The sheet was created especially for children with learning disabilities. It is very easy to use and requires the download of the...
Trolleybus plan and interior

Trolleybus plan and interior

Description of the image The image shows a large vehicle, viewed from above, sectioned, facing left, used as a public transportation vehicle, called a trolleybus. The exterior skeleton of the car, also called the car body, is not present here, so the interior is shown...


Image description The image shows a seabird, medium in size, smaller than an albatross, being close to the size of the duck, called a seagull, with a curved and flattened body, oval, finished with a slightly elongated and narrow tail, with pointed wings towards the...


Image description The image shows an insect in the mite subclass, known for its blood feeding mode, called the tick, viewed from above. The body is flattened, round in shape, of very small size, covered by a strong shield, divided into two sections, with four pairs of...


Image description The image shows a flying insect, called a mosquito, viewed from above, pointing to the left, with its wings wide open and the needle, used in blood feeding, located on the left edge of the head. It is characterized by narrow and small wings, rendered...
St. Joseph’s Cathedral

St. Joseph’s Cathedral

Descrierea imaginii The image represents the front facade of the Saint Iosift cathedral in Bucharest, it is Imaginea prezintă frontal catedrala Sfântul Iosif, ca o clădire masivă din cărămidă, cu turn central. Corpul construcției este mărginit de două coloane înguste,...


Image description The image shows a common fly species, found everywhere, called the housefly, an single wings paired insect, small, with big eyes, tiny head and curved body. It has one pair of limbs in the front, meaning in the upper side of its body, parallel to the...


Image description The image shows a plant with long, erect leaves, with jagged edges, with a round flower at the tip of the stalk, called dandelion. The flower on the left is dry, represented by a circle filled with x-textures, which render the thin and frail thorns,...