The boat

The boat

Image description The image shows a small floating vessel, built of wood, without a deck, set in motion by the side oars, facing left. At the top, the boat is viewed from above, and has an elongated shape, slightly domed on sides, meaning up and down, and narrowed to...
The first Romanian steam locomotive

The first Romanian steam locomotive

Image description The image shows from side, facing left, the first Romanian steam locomotive. The iron car body or exterior skeleton is marked embossed. The locomotive consists, from right to left, of: the driver’s cab rendered embossed, the heavy iron frame on...
Lorry Truck

Lorry Truck

Image description The image shows a massive, eight-wheeled vehicle, called a truck, viewed from side and facing left. It is distinguished from other vehicles by the fact that it is designed with a rectangular platform, at the back of the driver’s cab, on which...