Image description
The image shows the map of Vrancea county, located in the southeastern part of the country, delimited by the neighboring counties by a thickened, irregular and closed line.
The neighboring counties are: in the north – Bacău, in the northeast – Vaslui, in the east – Galați, in the southeast – Brăila, in the south – Buzău, in the west – Covasna.
In the south-eastern part is illustrated the county seat, respectively Focșani, marked by an embossed square.
The map shows the hydrographic network of Vrancea County, respectively the main rivers that cross the territory, rendered by thinner, wavy lines, next to the largest lakes, marked by blank circles, along with the most important economic and cultural cities in the county, besides the county seat, which has the densest population and is also the administrative and political center. The other cities are highlighted by thickened squares, smaller in size than that of the county seat.
The rivers spring from the Vrancea Mountains on the western edge and from the Vrancea Subcarpathians in the central-western part and flow into the Siret River in the eastern extremity. All the rivers of the county are tributaries of the Siret with the flow direction from the northwest to the southeast.
The great Siret River springs from the north of the country, near the the border with Ukraine, and crosses the entire western region of the country from north to southeast, flowing into the Danube. It crosses the county from north to south, in its eastern edge, marking the natural eastern border with Galati county. The tributaries to the left of Siret are, from top to bottom, the following: the river Putna, between the town of Mărășești above and the town of Odobești below, being the longest tributary in the county, which springs from the Vrancea Mountains and forms the Putna Waterfall on its upper course. Then another shorter tributary in the central-western part follows, the Năruja river, and two other short tributaries in the southeast, below Focșani, Milvoc and Râmna, followed by the river Râmnicu Sărat in the extreme southeast, in the Râmnic Plain. The northeastern corner of the county is crossed by a small part of the river Trotuș, a large tributary of the Siret, which flows to the north of Adjud city.
The city shown in the extreme northeast is Adjud, the second largest population after Focșani, and the one in the central east is Mărășești, each with over ten thousand inhabitants. To the northwest of Focșani, in the center of the county, is located the town of Odobești, which has less than ten thousand inhabitants. Due to its location in an area with sloping lands, at high altitudes at the foot of the Subcarpathians, with southern and southeastern exposure, with a favorable climate and fertile soil formed on limestone, led to the development of one of the most important vines, these being large vineyards that have a reputation in the wine industry. The name vineyard comes from the Slavic language and means an area under the mountain (as opposed to the plain or meadow), a large area of hill region cultivated with vines (rarely with orchards). (1) Odobești vineyard is the largest and one of the most famous vineyards in the country. It is located between the Putna valley in the north and the Milcov valley in the south, the town of Odobești being the main wine-growing center of the vineyard. It went down in history as the place where Stephen the Great moved the border of Moldova and built the Crăciuna fortress. The town itself is a privileged destination for wine tourism, especially in autumn, when picking grapes, with its ancestral procedures and tools. Among the varieties cultivated for the production of Odobești wines we mention: Fetească, Riesling, Sauvignon and Muscat Ottonel. (2)
In the city of Mărășești it can be found the Mausoleum of the Heroes fallen during the First World War, a historical memorial or funerary monument of national interest, built between one thousand nine hundred and twenty-three and one thousand nine hundred and thirty-eight. Following the Battle of Mărășești in the year one thousand nine hundred and seventeen, which resulted in the strategic victory of the Romanian-Russian defense against the Germans, more than twenty-one thousand Romanian soldiers and officers were killed. The mausoleum houses the remains of over five thousand soldiers, in more than one hundred and fifty crypts, situated on eighteen corridors. (3)
The city of Adjud presents several archeological sites, some historical monuments of local interest, such as: the settlement from Movilița dating from the Bronze Age or the medieval settlement from Lutărie. Other cultural attractions are the City Museum and the Sihastru Monastery, originally built by a wealthy family in honor of a hermit named Sebastian who had the healing grace of God, that cured the hetman Sendrea from an incurable wound. (4)
In the lower right corner of the page is an arrow pointing upwards, indicating the geographical North.
Additional data
- accessed on July 19, 2021.
- accessed on July 19, 2021.
- accessed on July 19, 2021.
- accessed on July 19, 2021.
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