Image description
The image shows the interior of a kitchen, a room or a space specially designed for cooking and dining. The kitchen can be viewed from the front or from one side and is equipped, from left to right, with a stove, two cupboards, a sink, a refrigerator, and a table with a chair.
The stove on the left edge of the kitchen is viewed from the front and positioned vertically. At the top, the four-burner stove hob is fixed horizontally above the oven. The hob is rendered as a horizontal embossed rectangle.
The oven has the shape of a blank square, with a wide and embossed rectangle in the middle. This is the window from the oven door . Above the oven door is also illustrated the handle, highlighted by a thickened horizontal line.
The kitchen wall cabinet above, is attached to the wall, to save space and to be handy when cooking or washing dishes. It consists of two pieces, like two wooden boxes, with a square façade, rendered as two blank squares, one on the left and one on the right. At the base of each is a short, horizontal and embossed line, representing the door handle of each closet. Plates, glasses, coffee cup sets, grinders, napkins and more accessories are kept in the kitchen cupboards.
Under the kitchen cabinet, to the right of the stove is the kitchen sink, which is usually made of stainless steel. It is rendered by a blank semicircle, with the straight edge at the top and the round cup at the bottom. The sink is a ceramic bowl standing on one leg, on the edge of which a tap is attached, that supplies hot and cold water for washing the dishes. To the left of the back edge of the sink is a tap highlighted in bold.
To the right of the sink is the refrigerator, viewed from the front, with two functional compartments, above the freezer and below the refrigeration area. The freezer is rendered by a blank square, and the refrigerator by a vertical blank rectangle. On the right edges of the two shapes are highlighted the door handles from the freezer and the refrigerator, with a short and thickened vertical line.
To the right of the refrigerator is a kitchen table, where meals are served or prepared. Next to the table, on the right, there is a chair with backrest and four legs, but from side only two can be seen. The chair and table are rendered in embossed lines.
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