Image description
He is a 40-year-old man, with long and curly hair on his back, long, bulging nose, full lips, a double-chin and prominent ears, wearing a suit.
The broad forehead is contoured by the bristle hair on the back, rendered by the texture of small and dense x-s.
The wavy texture is the classic jacket, worn over the textured shirt with prominent crowded, full squares.
He wears a prominent highlighted tie.
Historical information
As a mining junior engineer, Miron Cozma was the trade union leader in the Jiu Valley between 1990 and 1999. He stood out during the initiation of four miners’ protests between 1990 and 1999. His figure is associated with the public perception of miners’ protests, deeds for which zjustice issues will constantly pursue him. His moment of public ascension is represented by the miners’ protest on 13-15 June 1990. At the end of it, in front of the miners gathered at Romexpo, Miron Cozma appears on an improvised stage alongside Ion Iliescu – the Romanian President. After the miners’ protest in June 1990, Miron Cozma strengthened his role as the mining leader in the Jiu Valley. On September 24th 1991, he initiated a new miners’ protest, after which the government led by Petre Roman would be dismissed on September 26, 1991. Due to this miners’ protest, Miron Cozma gains national fame, when on September 25th, 1991, he enters forcefully into the building of the Romanian Parliament, addressing the general public right from the tribune of the legislative forum [Bibliography 1].
Suspected of acting on President Ion Iliescu’s political order, after 1996, several judicial investigations against Miron Cozma will be opened. After his first conviction in 1997, he was released shortly, becoming vice-president of the Great Romania Party, a political party with an extremist and xenophobic message led by Corneliu Vadim-Tudor. In 1998, following an unprecedented economic recession, Miron Cozma’s popularity and the rise of populism made the union leader in the Jiu Valley an imminent danger to the fragile Romanian democracy. A journalist reported that public figures such as Miron Cozma, Corneliu Vadim Tudor or Gheorghe Funar should be seriously considered “shameless, ridiculous, absurd but supported by people’s dissatisfaction” and will become “a deadly cure” for the incipient Romanian democracy [Bibliography 2].
At the beginning of 1999, he was sentenced to 18 years in prison for undermining state power during his 1991 miners’ protest, being imprisoned on 16 February 1999.On December 17th 2004, President Ion Iliescu pardoned Miron Cozma during the last days of his mandate, which caused mass dissatisfaction in Romania and abroad. His freedom will last for only one day, being re-arrested and released again in June 2005. Also, in the same year, he is convicted in another miners’ protest file, released in December 2007 [Bibliography 3].
In June of 2017, his name appears on the list of defendants in the Miners’ Protests File 13-15 June 2017, alongside former Romanian President Ion Iliescu or former Romanian Intelligence Service President Virgil Măgureanu. Known as “Luceafărul Huilei”, Miron Cozma’s popularity in the Jiu Valley was conversely proportional to the disgust he provoked in civil society, being considered a dangerous character. In addition to the miners’ protests, Miron Cozma was accused of violent behavior, insulting and threatening a policeman in mission and complicity with organized crime networks [Bibliography 4]. In the CNSAS archive, journalist Ramona Ursu found Miron Cozma’s commitment to cooperate with the former Securitate, signed after the anti-communist protests in the Jiu Valley in August 1977, under the name of Paul, a collaboration that will end in 1983.The CNSAS Council decided that this was not an act of collaboration with the Securitate as political police [Bibliography 5].
- Alin Rus, Mineriadele. Între manipulare politică și solidaritate muncitorească, București, Curtea Veche Publishing, 2007, p. 382.
- Tom Gallagher, Furtul unei națiuni. România de la comunism încoace, București, Editura Humanitas, 2004, p. 195.
- For the complete list of Miron Cozma’s convictions see Condamnările lui Miron Cozma. Cronologie, 2 decembrie 2007[ 26 noiembrie 2018.
- Alin Rus, Mineriadele. Între manipulare politică și solidaritate muncitorească, București, Curtea Veche Publishing, 2007p. 388.
- Ramona Ursu, Dosarele Securității. Marian Munteanu și Miron Cozma versus Piața Universității, București, Editura Integral, 2016, p. 263-266.
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