Image description
The image shows an electric egg incubator, which converts electricity into heat and light, to adapt the artificial conditions inside it to the natural ones in the process of hatching the eggs.
The device is represented from the front, in the shape of a box with flattened upper and lower sides, centrally domed.
The incubator outer shell or wall is made of thermal insulation material, which ensures an optimal environment with a constant temperature inside and is rendered by a double line, horizontal and embossed, one at the top, with the ends bent and one at the bottom with raised edges.
The eggs inside are marked by slightly vertically elongated circles, blank, placed in the middle, in a single row, between two horizontal lines, representing the eggs tray.
The eggs are laid in a single layer on special trays, controlled by a trays turning mechanism so that the eggs will receive heat on both sides at a set time interval, for example every two hours.
The eggs are heated by a radiator in a chamber, called a thermostatic electric heater, and is equipped with a thermal and humidity sensor that regulates the temperature and ensures the control of the humidity level.
The heater is highlighted by a thin rectangle, filled with the texture of parallel and vertical lines, located above the eggs, on the ceiling of the enclosure.
From here, from the heater, starts the radiation that spreads evenly in the air through ventilation, being illustrated by arrows whose tips are directed downwards, towards the eggs.
The incubator is equipped with a ventilation system, which ensures the homogenization of the air inside, as in the case of the microwave oven.
The fan, together with the thermostat and the motor are mounted on the incubator, the central part of the top, being rendered by an embossed rectangle, along with another blank rectangle to its left, representing the display for temperature and humidity.
To their right is the plug cable, which is plugged into the power outlet.
A water tray or pan is placed under the egg tray to ensure the humidity of the air inside.
General information
Man has come so far regarding the need for food, but also industrialization, that he can even control the breeding of certain animals. Incubation is the method which helps a bird embryo develop, being influenced by certain factors such as temperature and humidity. The egg incubator is an invention through which some bird species, like the geese, ducks, hens etc., can be bred. This device transforms the electric power into thermal power and light and thus can create an optimal artificial environment, similar to the natural one, for incubating the eggs.
The biggest advantage offered by the incubators is the possibility of breeding the birds all year round. Natural breeding is possible only during warm seasons, when the birds are able to brood.
The egg incubator uses electric power in order to create and maintain an optimal temperature at around 37.5 degrees Celsius, but also a humidity at about 50%. In general, the incubators are equipped with two ventilators which ensure the recirculation of air, light fixtures and a resistor that heats the air inside the incubator. Apart from these elements, the incubators also have a small container for water to ensure the proper air humidity, as well as a mechanism which automatically turns the eggs.
To conclude, we can say that the egg incubators artificially hatch the eggs. Practically, they imitate the conditions obtained naturally through brooding. Brooding is the natural method of warming the eggs, through which the birds lay on top of the eggs in order to warm them up. As a result of being warmed, inside the eggs appear and develop the embryos, meaning cells out of which a new life is created.
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