Image description

The image shows a tree, with a thick and long trunk, at the bottom, which holds the large crown of branches with leaves and fruits, at the top.

The simplest observation of the succession of the four seasons is perceived through the evolution of the trees. The circle of a tree’s life begins in spring, when it is reborn, comes to life again, wakes up, and ends in winter, when it dries and freezes or is covered with snow.

In summer the tree is presented as follows: Once the branches are emptied of mature flowers whose petals wither and are blown away by the wind, new buds will appear, but this time the leaves and fruits will be born out of them. The fruit is much heavier than a small flower on the branch, so the branches will bend slightly to the ground. For example in the case of quinces, or large varieties of apples. They are picked from the tree when ripe enough, meaning they have reached the desired size and have a sweet taste. A special case is the fig tree called the Ficus carica. The first to appear on its branches are the fruits, that is the round figs with a pointed tip, and then the leaves.

In the image, the tree is an apple tree and is rendered embossed, with an elongated trunk but on which the branches can also be seen. The trunk parts or branches in several segments, as it climbs higher, towards the crown. Now you can touch the fruits, respectively the apples, which were illustrated around the tree to be easier to delimit and not to be confused with the branches.

The apple is the fleshy fruit of the apple tree. In summer, after the tree leafs out, the fruits begin to appear, like round and small balls, with a very sour taste, which grow and ripen until they reach the size of a fist or larger. As in the picture, the apple is ripe, big and good to eat, with a sweeter taste and a stronger flavor.

When picked from the tree, the apple comes off the branch with its stalk and maybe with a leaf or two, as shown in the picture. The stalk is drawn above the apple, in the middle, as a curved and thickened line, and the leaf attached to the stalk on the right has a rhombus shape with rounded corners.

Apples are marked by small, round, embossed shapes.

The ground at the base of the tree is highlighted by the texture of oblique and parallel lines.

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