Image description

The image shows a tree, with a thick, long trunk at the bottom, which holds the large crown of flowering branches at the top.

The simplest observation of the succession of the four seasons is perceived through the evolution of the trees. The circle of a tree’s life begins in spring, when it is reborn, comes to life again, wakes up, and ends in winter, when it dries and freezes or is covered with snow.

In spring the tree is presented as follows: Once the branches are emptied of leaves and the winter frost settles, they also dry over time, become stronger and prone to cracking or breaking. In the spring, however, young twigs grow and  renew the tree. That is, the whole tree comes to life, sprouts, and from the small buds grow tiny flowers, which reach maturity and lose their vitality, the petals wither, that is, they become soft and weak and are blown away by the wind. In their place new buds will grow, towards the end of spring, but this time the leaves and fruits will be born.

In the image, the tree is shown embossed, with an elongated trunk but in which the branches can also be seen. The trunk parts or branches in several segments, as it climbs higher, towards the crown. Now you can touch the flowers, which have been illustrated around the tree to be easier to delimit and not to be confused with the branches. The flowers may differ depending on the species of tree. The apple tree has tiny and fragile flowers, but very numerous, grouped like bouquets on the branches, and in the magnolia tree the flowers are large and grow individually on twigs.

The flowers are rendered in small, round shapes with five blank petals around an embossed circle.

The ground at the base of the tree is highlighted by the texture of oblique and parallel lines.

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