Image description

The image shows the division of the surface of the globe into climatic zones or regions of the globe, characterized by different types of climate, starting from the invisible line or parallel of zero degrees latitude called the equator, which divides the globe into two hemispheres, northern and southern, respectively the upper half up and lower half.

Thus, from the middle to the North Pole, that is upwards, and also from the middle to the South Pole, downwards, the Globe is sectioned into parallel strips, developed in longitude, which coincide with a certain type of climate that is found in both halves. or hemispheres, between the same positive degrees, in the Northern Hemisphere, with the negative ones in the Southern Hemisphere. This climate zone is included in the tropical region.

Therefore, along the Equator, at zero degrees latitude, right in the middle, is the Equatorial zone, rendered by the thickened, slightly sloping horizontal line, which cuts the Globe in the middle. On either side of the Equator, up and down, is the Tropical Zone, rendered by the texture of broken lines, parallel and horizontal. The Tropical Zone extends from the Equator to the border with the Tropics, respectively the Tropic of Cancer in the Northern Hemisphere and the Tropic of Capricorn in the Southern Hemisphere.

From the northern and southern latitudes of twenty-three degrees to about thirty-five degrees, the Subtropical zone unfolds, also rendered the texture by broken lines.

The temperate climate zone covers areas from forty degrees latitude in both hemispheres, or from the edge of the tropics, to sixty degrees north and south latitude, that is up to the Polar Circles. These areas are highlighted by dotted texture.

The cold climate zone ranges from the Polar Circles in both hemispheres, to the poles, respectively to the North Pole, the upper end and the South Pole, the lower end. This area is narrower and marked by the grid texture.

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