Image description

The image shows the facade of a supermarket, respectively the frontage with the entrance of a store larger in size and supplies than of a market and smaller than of a hypermarket.

The shop is built with ground floor and floor, the ground floor having windows marked as empty squares and joined horizontally, and above them are the windows of the floor, rendered by texture of oblique and parallel lines.

The top and bottom edges of the supermarket are highlighted embossed.

The automatic door, at the bottom center, represents the main entrance for customers and is marked by a vertical rectangle, filled with dotted texture.

Near the store, in the lower right corner, there is a man standing, thus positioned to facilitate the comparison of the dimensions of the building to the height of an adult.

General data

The supermarket is an urban commercial space where consumer goods are sold in self-service system. Products sold in supermarkets have a wide variety, from food and household products to clothes and perfumes. In many cases, supermarkets are part of national or international chains (networks). Supermarkets generally offer affordable products and try to make a profit through the large mass of products sold.

Supermarkets have corridors between districts, through which customers can move with shopping carts or baskets. The districts may be with foodstuffs kept at room temperature or frozen, with fresh fruits and vegetables, with beverages or household items.

Payment is made at checkout with cash or cards. Some of the supermarkets have their own card which the buyer can use to receive offers.

Generally, supermarkets are equipped with large parking lots to facilitate access to the store [bibliography 1].

The first supermarket appeared in Romania in Bucharest only in 1995 – this being the Mega Image Lizeanu placed on the Stefan cel Mare rooad number 226 [bibliography 2]. The first supermarket in the world had already appeared in the US in Memphis, Tennessee in 1916 and was called Piggly Wiggly [bibliography 3].


  1. Wikipedia, disponibil online la accesat la 21 octombrie 2019
  2. Retail & FMCG, disponibil online la accesat la 21 octombrie 2019
  3. Time, disponibil online la accesat la 21 octombrie 2019

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