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The façade on the East is identical to the West, because the attic concept next to this module is thought to be one, so there are no gaps. The trapezoidal shape is also given thanks to the concept of a house that produces its own sun energy and has a sloping roof to capture as much sunlight as possible. The exterior finish is made of wood, it is called a rifle, are panels made of pieces of wood of the same size, trapped between them and with a space between each, to let the air circulate. This finish is found on all facades.
General Information
The Over4 project started with the topic announced by Solar Decathlon Europe 2019 aimed for the competition. Solar Decathlon is an international contest primarily addressed to all students who bring sustainable architecture and integrated technologies in the spotlight. It involves building a passive house in 15 days, following two weeks of monitoring. The subject proposed for this year’s edition is the rehabilitation of the fund and urban regeneration. The Over4 team, consisting of 35 students, graduates and teachers, have identified a number of blocks built during the communist era, namely the four storey ones that we plan to expand vertically and horizontally. On the vertical plan there is going to be an attic with six similar modules to improve existing living, having features such as shared space, coworking space, or other functions related to these. Horizontally, we propose an extension in order to to expand the interior space. For the competition we extracted a module that we adapted and turned it into a home.
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