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The image shows a train, viewed from one side, going right. It consists of three filled shapes, slightly raised from the base of the sheet, like some bumps. These are rectangular, the right one having a much elongated edge, ending with a conical muzzle.

These rectangular shapes represent the wagons of the train, meaning wooden boxes on the inside, covered with a heavy iron skeleton on top, with long windows in the form of thin and horizontal rectangles, drawn blank, to the right of which is a door for getting in and off train, also drawn as a blank and vertical rectangle.

Under the wagons are the very heavy iron wheels, illustrated as pairs of two filled circles, each wagon having under it four wheels, seen from one side, two on the bottom left end and two on the bottom right end. If the train had been drawn from above or below, then we could have seen eight wheels: four on one side and four on the other.

Trains are means of public transport that helps us move between two or more cities or countries much faster than if we walk or by bike for example. Unlike the car, the train can carry a lot of people and travel much longer distances, that is to far away places, without the need to stop so that the driver may rest and the tank be filled with petrol, as in the case of the car. It’s also much faster. The train also has an engine, except that today it is an electric engine and is powered by electricity. Just as we humans need to feed on food in order to have energy to move. The electricity is captured or eaten by the first wagon in front, meaning on the right of the train, the one with the conical muzzle.

The front wagon pulls the other wagons on the rails below, just as children are pulled on sled through snow by a bigger and stronger man. In the case of the train, this big, strong man is called a locomotive. The locomotive of the train keeps inside the engine fed either by electricity or by burning oil fuel. In the past, the old locomotives were set in motion by burning coals in a special boiler room, that is, a heavy iron barrel, from which a lot of steam came out. This steam had the force to push the locomotive, from where we all know that the train is making the choo! choo! noise. This is the steam making the noises, when pushing up hard to get out in the air, but it is only allowed to come out a little through a small hole in the roof. The smoke from the coal burning always comes out of a thin, tall and vertical chimney on the roof.

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