RCP emblem
The description of the image:
The emblem has in the center the famous 45 degree bundle of a sawmill and a hammer, on the lateral edges there are two wheat ears, the letters PCR appear above and below it has a bent ribbon.
Historical data:
Marxist ideas penetrated in Romania through the PSDMR, whose existence in the initial formula was nonetheless ephemeral. It was not the first time the party had experienced such a change. In 1920, Romania sent a delegation to Soviet Russia, charged with finding out the conditions of affiliation with the International III (Comintern). Those who were part of this delegation were Gheorghe Cristescu, Eugen Rozvani, Alexandru Dobrogeanu-Gherea, David Fabian, Ion Fluieraș and Constantin Popovici. Certainly, those who were sent were some of the most important members of the movement. In May 1921, during one of its congresses, the socialist party was to receive a coup through the news of the establishment of the Communist Socialist Party in Romania. Bibliography 1 The new party was established with a majority of votes for, as a result of the split of the Bolshevik branch of the PSDMR. The party was a European affiliate of the Balkan Communist Federation. Bibliography 2 In 1899, a part of the PSDMR members joined the PNL, an event that remained known as the “betrayal of the generous”. Bibliography 3 Formed as a result of the split of the Bolshevik branch of the extreme left of the PSD and having as a European affiliation the Balkan Communist Federation, on May 9, 1921, PCdR elects its first Secretary General, this being Gheorghe Cristescu-Plăpumaru. At 3 years after the formation, the PCdR is forbidden by law by the liberal government, after the events that took place in Tatar Bunar. Bibliography 4 After entering into illegality, the party acted through the Peasant Labor Bloc, which participated in the elections of 1926, 1927 and 1928, obtaining only 20,000 votes. The general secretaries of the party were Gheorghe Cristescu Plăpumaru, Elek Koblos, Vitali Holostenko, Alexander Daniil Stefanski, Boris Stefanov, Bela Brainer, Stefan Foriș, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, Gheorghe Apostol, Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej and Nicolae.
1. Robert Levy, Gloria și decăderea Anei Pauker, ed. II, Editura Polirom, Iași, 2016, p. 45.
2. The Balkan Communist Federation was established in 1920 with the support of Moscow. The group comprised all the communist parties from southeastern Europe, in Marin C. Stanescu, Gheorghe Neacșu, Moscow, Comintern, the Balkan communist branch and Romania, 1919-1943: documentary studies: Editura Silex, București, 1998, pp.60-61.
3. Vladimir Tismăneanu, Stalinism pentru eternitate. O istorie politică a comunismului românesc, ediția a II-a, Editura Humanitas, București, 2014, p. 72.
4. Stelian Tănase, Clienții lu’ tanti Varvara: istorii clandestine, București, Editura Humanitas, 2005, p. 80.
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Flags and Coat of Arms
III. Communist Romania