(b. 3 March 1930, Oltenița)

Image description

He is a smiling man of more than 70 years, wearing glasses, with a receding hairline, stuffy eyebrows, long nose with a pointy end and big nostrils, prominent double-chin, wearing a suit.

The pattern of small, dense ‘x’ letters represents his hair combed back.

The shirt is outlined by a pattern of full, crammed squares.

The classic jacket is illustrated by a curved pattern.

He is wearing a fully colored tie.


Historical information

Ion Iliescu was born on 3 March 1930 in Oltenița [Bibliography 1]. In 1953 he became member of Romanian Communist Party, and in 1965 a member of the Romanian Communist Party’s Central Committee [Bibliography 2]. On the 19th of August 1956 he becomes president of the Students’ Associations Organizing Committee [Bibliography 3]. Since 1971, his influence and role diminish. Thus, after he was vice-president of the Timiș County Council (1971-1974), in 1974 he is excluded from the Romanian Communist Party [Bibliography 4]. In 1989, when communism fell, Ion Iliescu was part of the National Salvation Front. In 1990, he wins the presidential elections that took place on the 20th of May, for a 2-year mandate [Bibliography 5]. In 1992, after the Constitution was modified in 1991, new presidential elections take place, and Ion Iliescu wins again with 61% of votes [Bibliography 6]. In 1996 he runs again for presidency. Although he wins the first round, Emil Constantinescu outruns him in the second round with 8.82% more votes [Bibliography 7]. Nevertheless, after the general elections in the same year, he becomes senator for the electoral circumscription of Bucharest [Bibliography 8]. In 2000, Ion Iliescu runs again for presidency, and wins against Corneliu Vadim Tudor. After a political career that raised many questions, on the 13th of June 2017, together with Petre Roman, Virgil Măgureanu, Miron Cozma and Gelu Voican Voiculescu, he was sent to trial for crimes against humanity [Bibliography 9].



1.Stan Stoica, Dicționarul partidelor politice din România: 1989-2001, București, Editura Meronia, 2001, p. 190.

2.Vasile Paraschiv, Lupta mea pentru sindicate libere în România: terorismul politic organizat de statul communist, Iași, Polirom, 2005, p. 134.

3.Nicolae C. Nicolescu, Șefii de stat și de guvern ai României 1859-2003: mică enciclopedie, București, Editura Meronia, 2003, p. 123

4.Domnița Ștefănescu, 5 ani din istoria României, București, Editura Mașina de Scris, 1995, p. 88.

5.Doina Cornea, Fața nevăzută a lucrurilor, 1990-1999: dialoguri cu Rodica Palade, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Dacia, 1999, p. 109.

6.Brian Hunter, edit., The Statesman’s Year-Book 1994-1995, Londra, The Macmillan Press, 1995, p. 200.

7.Lavinia Stan, Diane Vancea, ”House of cards. The presidency from Iliescu to Băsescu”, in Lavinia Stan, Diane Vancea, edits., Post-Communist Romania at Twenty-Five: Linking Past, Present, and Future, Lanham, Maryland, Lexington Books, 2015., p. 197.

8.Cornel Miclescu, Cotroceni: gară pentru doi ; politici electorale comparate în campaniile pentru alegerile prezidenţiale de la televiziune ; 1990, 1992, 1996, 2000, București, Editura ALL, 2001, p. 33.

9.Dosarul Mineriadei a fost trimis în judecată, available online at http://www.ziare.com/dosarul-mineriadei/ion-iliescu/dosarul-mineriadei-a-fost-trimis-in-judecata-dupa-fix-27-de-ani-incepe-procesul-pentru-iliescu-1469482 [august 2018].

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