(b. June 22, 1950, Bucharest)
Image description
A 60-year-old man with a noticeable double chin, dressed in a suit.
The slightly curbed texture outlines the forehead and makes up the short hair, combed towards the back.
The wavy texture represents the classical jacket suit.
The tie outlined by circles lays on top of the shirt here represented through filled-in angled shapes.
Historical information
Born June 22nd, 1950 in Bucharest, Adrian Nastase is a graduate of “St. Sava” National College from Bucharest in 1969, followed by the Faculty of Law in 1973 and the Faculty of History-Philosophy, the Sociology department of the Bucharest University in 1978 [Bibliography 1]. Under the communist regime he married Ilinca Preoteasa, the daughter of the former Foreign Affairs minister, deceased in a flight accident in Moscow in 1957 [Bibliography 2]. The relationship with her advanced him into the so-called “rebel gang” of Romanian communism, frequented by children of members of the nomenclature such as Serghei Mizil, Petre Roman, Calin Andrei, as well as the children of the Ceaușescu family (Nicu, Valentin and Zoe) [Bibliography 3]. Before 1989, he was a jurist for the Judicial Research Institute of the Romanian Academy (1973-1990), but also the representative of the Ceausescu regime in “the international institutions that handled human rights”. In one of his biographies, published in 2004, it is mentioned that he had this function “during a period of time when human rights were systematically violated in Romania” [Bibliography 4]. During the last year of communist rule, he was a member of the Romanian communist delegation at the International Youth Festival of Pyongyang, North Korea [Bibliography 5]. In 1985, he married his current wife, Dana Nastase, daughter of the communist minister Angelo Miculescu [Bibliography 6], with whom he has 2 children.
He has a PhD in International Law from Bucharest University (1987); after the fall of communism, he gained notoriety both politically and professionally. Professionally, he held the position of International Law professor at the Law Faculty of the Bucharest University, starting 1990. He started his post-revolution political career as Deputy in the Romanian Parliament for FSN (National Socialist Front). He was consecutively re-elected on behalf of PSD (Socialist Democrat Party) under the various titles the party held during that period. His most important functions were those of Foreign Affairs Minister 1990-1992, President of the Chamber of Deputies (1992 and 1996), Prime-Minister of Romania (2000-2004), President of PSD (2001-2005) [Bibliography 7]. His great political failure is losing the presidential election in 2004 against Traian Basescu in the second round. After this defeat he was replaced with Mircea Geoana at the head of PSD. Starting 2005 he was placed under DNA investigation for various corruption charges. In June 2012 he was charged with 2 years in prison for the file known as Trofeul Calitatii (Quality Trophy). Upon hearing this, he tried to take his own life. He was released on parole in March 2013, only to be reincarcerated after a new conviction in the Zambaccian file or “bribery and blackmail” [Bibliography 8].
An article published in Adevarul newspaper in 2014 points out Adrian Nastase`s merits during his time as Prime Minister (Romania`s integration in NATO, the amendment of the Constitution in 2003, the abrogation of article 200 in the Penal Code which incriminated homosexuality), as well as the negative aspects of his time in function; among these, the limitation of the freedom of press, including the physical aggression of some journalists. According to this article, during the years when he was called “He himself” or “The Almighty”, the journalists who were often critical of the Prime Minister were harassed, aggressed or beaten for their articles expressing opinions or shedding light on corruption deeds. [Bibliography 9]. Currently, Adrian Nastase retired from politics, giving up on his dream to become president. He runs the Titulescu European Foundation, founded in 1991 under the tutelage of the Romanian Academy. [Bibliography 10].
- *** Adrian Năstase, available online at http://www.ziare.com/adrian-nastase/biografie#Studii[iulie 2018].
- Ciprian Plăiașu, Moartea lui Grigore Preoteasa¸ available online at https://www.historia.ro/sectiune/portret/articol/moartea-lui-grigore-preoteasa[august 2018].
- *** Adevarata biografie a lui Adrian Nastase, available online at https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-arhiva-1263307-adevarata-biografie-lui-adrian-nastase.htm[august 2018].
4-5. Grupul de Investigații Politice, Adrian Năstase – 20 de ani de communism, available online at http://www.grupul.ro/adrian-nastase-20-de-ani-de-comunism-1969-1989/
- *** Adevarata biografie a lui Adrian Nastase, available online at https://www.hotnews.ro/stiri-arhiva-1263307-adevarata-biografie-lui-adrian-nastase.htm[august 2018].
7-8. *** Adrian Năstase, available online at http://www.ziare.com/adrian-nastase/biografie#Studii [iulie 2018].
- *** Înapoi în timp. Cum arăta România în vremea „Atotputernicului“ Adrian Năstase, available online at https://adevarul.ro/news/eveniment/adrian-nastase-1_52cabfa7c7b855ff56413af9/index.html[august 2018].
- Fundația Europeană Titulescu. Scurt Istoric, available online at https://titulescu.eu/fundatia-europeana-nicolae-titulescu/scurt-istoric/[august 2018].
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