Image Description

Helsinki Cathedral is on a high plateau, in the Senate Plaza. To reach it, you have to climb e few flights of stairs as wide as the building (they were not represented in the image to not make it unnecessarily complicated).

The building has 3 tall helms, clearly represented in the image: the roofs have an oblique parallel texture and the towers are represented with diamond texture. În the lower part of the drawing you can feel the body of the Cathedral with squares texture. On top of this, you can notice the columns with full texture and the triangular roof above the entrance.

Historical Information

Too often, history transforms buildings into touristic landmarks. In the case of Finland’s Capital City, a Cathedral becomes city’s unofficial symbol. Placed in Senate’s Square, in Kruununhaka neighborhood, Lutheran Cathedral in Helsinki, former known as Saint Nicholas Church from Helsinki was built between 1830-1852 resembling a greek cross, following Carl Ludvig Engel projects over Eleonora Ulrika Church ruins [Bibliography 1]. Built in neoclassical style, the building stands out because of the 5 front Corinthian columns, contrasting with the building’s white  [Bibliography 2].

The roof is decorated with the biggest zinc statues in the world depicting the apostles [Bibliografie 3]. After 1880, Ernst Lohrmann made some changes to the building’s plans. He built 4 more towers and annexes: one belfry and a chapel [Bibliography 4]. Starting 1880 also the interior got improved with a golden altar [Bibliography 5]. From 1959, the church changed its status into Lutheran Cathedral of Helsinki [Bibliography 6].


1. Helsinki Cathedral, Finland, available online on accesed on 01.02.2019.

2. Lutheran Cathedral in Helsinki, available online on accesed on 01.02.2019.

3-4. Helsinki Cathedral, Finland, available online on accesed on 01.02.2019.

5. Top 7 Sightseeing in Helsinki – what to visit in Finland’s Capital, available online on accessed on 01.02.2019.

6. Helsinki Cathedral, Finland, available online on accessed on 01.02.2019.

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