(b. July 20, 1943, Copăceni, d. November 5, 2010, Bucharest)
Image description
A smiling, 60-year-old man with long hair and a thick beard, bushy eyebrows, a long, round nose in casual attire.
The slightly curbed texture outlines the face and makes up the long, straight hair, parted sideways, as well as the wide beard.
The protruding teeth are outlined by the beard.
The wavy texture makes up the collared T-shirt.
Historical information
Adrian Paunescu was born July 20th, 1943 in Copaceni, Balti [Bibliography 1]. In 1960, aged only 17, he has his literary debut [Bibliography 2]. His first book is released in 1965, under the title Ultrasentimente [Bibliography 3]. Between 1966 and 1968 he was UTC secretary [Bibliography 4]. On September 17th, 1973, Adrian Păunescu sets up the Flacara Literary Circle, which held 1.615 music and poetry shows in its 12 years of activity. [Bibliography 5]. After the fall of communism in Romania, Adrian Paunescu remained on the political stage. As such, in 1992, he joins the Socialist Labour Party, the president of which he is appointed in the following year [Bibliography 6]. In 1996, Adrian Paunescu runs for president of the SLP, but only receives 0,69% of the votes [Bibliography 7]. In 1998, he becomes a member of the Socialist Democrat Party, and is elected Dolj senator between 2000-2004 [Bibliography 8]. Adrian Paunescu passed away on November 5th, 2010 and was buried with full military honours in Bellu Cemetery in Bucharest [Bibliography 9].
- Mihai Cimpoi, O istorie deschisă a literaturii române din Basarabia, Editura Porto-Franco, 1997, p. 286.
- Dumitru Micu, Scurtă istorie a literaturii române: Perioada interbelică. Poezia contemporană, Editura Iriana, 1994, p. 317.
- Dumitru Micu, Literatura română în secolul XX, Editura Fundației Culturale Române, 2000, p. 161.
- Mihai Ungheanu, Holocaustul culturii române: ipoteze de sociologie literară, 1944-1989, Editura D.B.H, 1999, p. 148.
- Caterina Preda, Art and Politics under Modern Dictatorships: A Comparison of Chile and Romania, Cham, Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, p. 159.
- Alex Mihai Stoenescu, România postcomunistă 1989-1991, București, Rao, 2008, p. 40.
- Michael Shafir, ”Politics of the Extreme Right: From the Margins to the Mainstream”, în Paul Hainsworth, edit., The politics of the extreme right. From the margins to the mainstream, Londra/New York, Editura Pinter, 2000, pp. 253-254.
- George Pruteanu, Cronica unei mari dezamăgiri: politică între “Da” și “nem,”. O istorie mediatică, București, Editura Institutului European, 2000, p. 216.
- Adrian Păunescu was buried, with military honours, in the Bellu Cemetery, available online at https://www.cotidianul.ro/adrian-paunescu-a-fost-inmormantat-cu-onoruri-militare-in-cimitirul-bellu/[august 2018].
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