(born December 8, 1876, Ivești, Galați, died March 5, 1955, Bucharest)
Image description
The woman is over 50 years of age, with the hair cut short and wavy, the eyebrows are thin and elongated, the nose has a large tip, pointy and she is smartly dressed.
Her wide forehead is brought up by the curved texture, representing her hair tied back.
The lip is represented by the diamond shaped texture, full and tightly packed
At the base of the neck she wears a pearl necklace, marked by the full protrusions.
Historical information
Hortensia Papadat Bengescu was born December 8th, 1876 in Ivești, Galatz County, the daughter of General Dimitrie Bengescu ) [Bibliography 1]. She began her literary career in 1912, when she starts to write articles in French and her first novel was published in 1919 (“Ape adânci”) ) [Bibliography 2]. During the First World War she volunteered to be a nurse for the Red Cross [Bibliography 3]. The experience of caring for wounded soldiers provides the inspiration for another novel, “Balaurul” [Bibliography 4].
Hortensia Papadat Bengescu was known for psychological investigation, a literary procedure she used, among other works, in “Concert din muzică de Bach” (1927). She is also among the first Romanian writers who wrote about sickness as main topic of her writings. Although she was treated with skepticism during her lifetime (because women were socially restricted at that time) Hortensia Papadat Bengescu managed to sustain a prolific literary career and she is one of the greatest Romanian writers during the inter-war period. She even won the National Prose Award in 1946 [Bibliography 5]. Aurel Sasu, a noted literary critic, considered that Hortensia Papadat Bengescu was probably “the most modern of our writers from the first half of the XXth century” [Bibliography 6].
When Communism gained power after the 1945 she was basically forgotten, her works were forbidden. She died on March 5th, 1955. The writer was rediscovered after 1965 and “reintegrated in literary and academic circles” [Bibliography 7].
1 1. Edgar Papu, Claudia Dimiu, Marta Popovici, Alte 13 ronde 13, București, Muzeul Literaturii Române, 1981, p. 198.
- Daniel Luca, Dinamica prozei în perioada interbelică, Iași, Editura Lumen, 2009, p. 25.
- Valeriu Ciobanu, Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu, București, Editura pentru Literatură, 1965, p. 16.
- Aurel Sasu, Dicționarul biografic al literaturii române. literele M-Z, vol. II, Pitești, Paralela 45, 2006, pp. 286-287.
- Constantin Ciopraga, Hortensia Papadat-Bengescu, București, Editura Cartea Românească, 1973, p. 47.
- Aurel Sasu, Dicționarul biografic al literaturii române. literele M-Z, vol. II, Pitești, Paralela 45, 2006, p. 286.
- Hortensia PAPADAT-BENGESCU, https://www.icr.ro/pagini/decembrie-hortensia-papadat-bengescu[October 2018].
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