(b. 22 April 1894, București, m. 14 May 1957, București)
Image Description
A man over 30, elegant, short-haired, dressed in a suit.
The broad forehead is contoured by slicked back hair with texture of slightly curved lines.
The classic jacket represented by the wavy texture is worn over a shirt with bolded plus signs.
At the base of the neck, the collar, highlighted by diamonds, is attached to a bow tie rendered with dots.
Historical information
Camil Petrescu was born on April 22nd, 1894 in Bucharest [Bibliography 1]. Because his father died before his birth, the writer was raised by a nurse of the family of commissary Tudor Popescu [Bibliography 2]. His editorial debut takes place in 1914 in the Facla newspaper, where, under the pseudonym Raul D., he publishes the article “Women and Girls Today” [Bibliography 3].
Between 1916 and 1918, Camil Petrescu was an officer in World War I. His experience would serve as inspiration for his novel, “Ultima noapte de dragoste, întâia noapte de război”. His literary debut takes place only in 1923 when he publishes the volume of poems “Versuri. Idee. Ciclul mortii”. Ten years later he would publish one of the canonical novels of Romanian modernism, “Patul lui Procus”.
In 1948, Camil Petrescu becomes a member of the Romanian Academy [Bibliography 4]. Although he has never been among the favorite writers of the communist regime, he has also made some literary concessions. Thus, in 1957, after his death, he left behind an unfinished novel, called “Un om intre oameni”, which had Nicolae Balcescu as protagonist and which fit into the canons of socialist realism [Bibliography 5].
- Valeriu Dinu, Ipostaze ale pădurii în lirica românească: studiu, antologie, București, Editura Sport-Turism, 1984, p. 252.
- Eugen Iacob, Valentina Tașcu, Culisele memoriei, vol. 2., Editura Clusium 2003, p. 193.
- Mirela Savin, Nastasia Savin, Experimentul lecturii. Elena de Dimitrie Bolintineanu. Inițieri lirice în poezia lui Camil Petrescu, Iași, Editura Lumen, 2009, p. 151.
- Ștefan Pașcu, Istoricul Academiei Române: 100 de ani de la înființare, București, Editura Academiei Române, 1991, p. 272.
- Aurel Sasu, Dicționarul biografic al literaturii române. literele M-Z, vol. II, Pitești, Paralela 45, 2006, p. 342.