Image description
The image shows from side, top illustration, directed to the left,and from the front, bottom illustration, the first model of a jet plane, made by Henri Coandă, with which he made the first flight on such a motor aircraft in 1910.
The outer shell of the aircraft body is called the fuselage and is represented embossed, by an elongated horizontal shape, very thin.
From side, On the fuselage are attached the following parts, from left to right: the muzzle with the engine, the cockpit, the wings that frame the cockpit top and bottom and which make it possible to support the body in the air and generate lift, the landing gear under the control cabin, the tail of the aircraft with horizontal stabilizers, which control the pitch, followed by vertical stabilizers and the rudder, which control and change the yaw.
The jet engine is located at the muzzle of the plane, left end.
The cockpit, for the command, is located between the wings, in the center-left.
The wings that frame the cockpit, fixed on the roof, and under the cabin, here are rendered by a vertical rectangle, located to the left of the body, with the upper and lower sides embossed.
Below the lower wings is the landing gear consisting of support beams and two wheels, which are intended to help the aircraft run on the ground before takeoff or after landing.
The rear wings are rendered by the texture of oblique and parallel lines, as follows: the horizontal stabilizer has the shape of a horizontal rectangle, embossed and thin, and the vertical stabilizer has a smaller and more elongated shape, stretched towards the tail.
Viewed from the front, the top wings are larger than those below the cockpit, all marked by two parallel, thin, horizontal and embossed rectangles.
The wings are fixed vertically by two pairs of metal rods, arranged in x, one on the left and one on the right of the cabin.
The muzzle of the plane with the engine is shown in the center, in the form of a larger embossed circle, in which there is a smaller, blank circle.
Below is the landing gear, in the lower center, whose small wheels are highlighted by two thick circles.
A man is standing in the right bottom corner, thus positioned to facilitate the comparison of the dimensions of the aircraft to the height of an adult.
General information
The beginning of the twentieth century would bring to the world many inventions and discoveries that led to both the progress of science and the improvement of quality of life. From the discovery of polonium and radio by Marie Curie to Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity, the world of science was on the rise. Romania’s name would also resonate in the period through the invention made by Henri Coandă. In 1910, at only 24 years old, he was to design and build the world’s first jet aircraft. (Bibliography 1).
On December 16, 1910, Henri Coandă was to present his invention at the Paris International Aeronautical Salon. (Bibliography 2). After this event, he tried to fly the plane on the Issy-les-Moulineaux field, but due to aerodynamic defects, he crashed into a wall, resulting in burning completely the aircraft. (Bibliography 3).
His invention would be perfected much later. In 1934, Henri Coandă was to obtain a patent in France for a process and device for deflecting a stream of fluid entering another fluid (the Henri Coandă effect) (Bibliography 4). This discovery was based on his 1910 invention (Bibliography 5).
1. Neculai Moghior, Avionul cu reacţie al lui Coandă face senzaţie, available online at accessed on 07.12.2018.
2. Nicolae Balotescu, Carmen Zgăvärdici, Istoria aviației române, Editura Științifică și Enciclopedică, 1984, p. 54.
3. ANIC, fond Henri Coandă, dosar 5, f.1.
4. Alexandru Toreanik, Se implinesc 37 de ani de la moartea lui Henri Coanda, available online at accessed on 07.12.2018.
5. Ibidem.
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