The coronavirus pandemic made an impact on all systems in society, including the educational system. In this context of imposed homeschooling, parents become intermediates between teachers and children, even more so in the case of blind children, who are dependent on their teachers. We created an e-learning platform to help parents of blind children deal with homeschooling in the time of coronavirus.

  1. Blind children learning on their own in the time of coronavirus
  2. Homeschooling and the e-learning platform Tactile Images
  3. Why should parents use this platform in the time of coronavirus?

a) Enough time for home office
b) A broad spectrum of knowledge
c) Child’s future safety

1. Blind children learning on their own

Blind children are dependent on their teachers, especially when it comes to exploring tactile drawings. They need a specialist above their shoulder, a specialist who guides their hands on the tactile graphic and gives verbal information about the subject. Because now they do not have access to tactile graphics, which can usually be found only in special schools, and to teachers, blind children can’t study tactile materials in the time of coronavirus.

While at home, blind children only have access to audio content, but the importance of visual content is paramount in accurately understanding a subject.

2. Homeschooling and the e-learning platform Tactile Images

The e-learning platform Tactile Images facilitates the independent exploration of tactile graphics in the time of coronavirus. The platform houses a vast LIBRARY of self-describing drawings on various subjects from history to art or sciences, which can be downloaded by parents for free.

For a tactile graphic to self-describe, a blind child needs the mobile app READER, which plays the role of the specialist above the shoulder. With it, it’s as if the child is still at school and has the teacher near to help him explore tactile graphics. The app is, for now, available only for iOS and can be downloaded free of charge from the App Store.

Because any educational material for the blind must be embossed and because we know that embossing is highly expensive, we thought of inexpensive DIY techniques with wood adhesive and a syringe for any parent to try at home. By using these techniques, the cost can be reduced up to 100 times, meaning that parents will get to emboss a tactile graphic for much under $1.

The educational platform Tactile Images also has an EDITOR for parents to use if they want to digitize the tactile graphics they have at home for independent study. Just like the ones downloaded from the LIBRARY, these graphics can be read by the READER app, as long as they have a printed QR Code.

3. Why should parents use this platform in the time of coronavirus?

a) Enough time for home office

Educational tools are essential in the time of coronavirus because the majority of the parents are now working from home. This means that both children and parents are at home, together, 24/7. Having a strong parent-child relationship is very important, especially in these challenging times, but parents need space and time for themselves to be able to work from home.

The Tactile Images platform gives the parents of blind children exactly that – enough time for working. All they have to do is search for tactile drawings in the LIBRARY, download, print, and emboss. The READER app does the rest, allowing for the blind child to study independently and thus giving parents time to focus on their work.


b) A broad spectrum of knowledge

Homeschooling for the blind in the time of coronavirus is difficult, mostly because parents do not have access to specialized materials. But the Tactile Images LIBRARY is here to help! With 800 tactile graphics available, it covers a wide variety of subjects that can be studied independently by the blind children.


c) Child’s future safety and independence

Parents think a lot about the future of their children. Everything they do is directed towards creating a better future for their children. More so, if their child is blind because it’s challenging for them to gain independence and safety.

This is why studying, and especially tactile drawings, play an essential role in the life of blind children. Exploring them gives blind children the possibility to gain independence, mobility, and have a well-paid job in the future.

The e-learning platform Tactile Images is the place where parents can download tactile graphics and encourage the individual study of their blind children in the time of coronavirus. The platform gives them access to a wide variety of subjects and all the space and time they need for work.

Read the other articles on this subject Part II and Part III.

Do you have any questions about the independent learning of blind children in the times of coronavirus? Write in the comment section below!

Image source: Fusion Medical Animation | Unsplash


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