Image description

The image shows a large tree, with a robust and tall stem in the form of a thick circular tube, with its foliage very richly branched and dense, called the Plane Tree.

The leafage of the tree is rendered by grid texture and has an oval shape.

In the left side is a close up of a leaf, marked embossed, with a notched edge and a fan or palm shape, that is, the ribs, highlighted by empty lines, start from a common base point, and branch like an open palm with scattered fingers.

General information

Platanus occidentalis, also known as American sycamore, is an ornamental tree with fallen foliage. The sycamore tree belongs to the family Plantanaceae. The tree grows harmoniously, forming a large and wide crown with an irregular shape. The trunk of the tree is high and strong, covered by a thin bark. When it reaches the surface of the bark it feels as if it is exfoliating. The tree has large, palmate leaves. The fruits grow in spherical shape with spiky appearance.

The American sycamore falls into the category of large trees. The tree has a moderate growth, it can reach the height of 10 meters, at maturity. However species such as American sycamore is known for heights of 40 meters and with a diameter of 2 meters [bibliography 1]. The tree blossoms in late spring, in May. The sycamore loves light, grows well only in sunny and bright areas. The tree adapts easily to many types of soils. The sycamore has a strong tolerance for pests and polluting environments. The sycamore tree is an ornamental tree through, appearance, crown, leaves and flowers. It is planted in gardens, parks and other green spaces. In the gardens you can plant it solitary or in groups. [bibliography 2]. The longevity of the sycamore tree is of the order of hundreds of years. Its wood is tough and heavy, but it rots easily.

The sycamore is a species resistant to frost and drought. Its flowers appear with the bud, the female flowers are grouped and hang on a long tail. The sycamore tree has two major pests: the Hairy Moth and the Sycamore Tiger Moth [bibliography 3]. The latter is part of the family of bedbugs, has dimensions from 3 to 5 millimeters and which sometimes produces human bites. These manifest through itching, and sometimes pain or tingling. The itching sensation can last a few days and can be very intense, especially in children [bibliography 4].

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