Image description
The image shows a machine used for loading and lifting heavy weights of packages and boxes with goods and building materials or vehicles, their transport and unloading.
The machine works by the principle of the electric motor, whose electricity comes from the mechanical energy of the magnetic field formed between magnets with opposite poles, respectively the stator or the fixed part, which rotates the rotor or the moving part, influenced by the energy of an industrial battery.
The electric forklift consists of the operator’s cab, shown in the center, with a narrow roof called overhead guard, highlighted by a thick horizontal line, with the ends lowered downwards the car body.
In the operator’s cab is the steering wheel, left, highlighted as an oblique line joined at the right end by a line inclined to the left, and next to it, the right side the seat rendered by two thickened lines, joined at the bottom right.
The car body or outer shell of the machine is marked embossed, in the lower central part, covering the electric motor inside and the counterweight under the operator’s seat.
Under the car body are three wheels, two wheels in the rear side or the steer wheels and a wheel in the front, called the drive wheel, left, from side being illustrated only two, one on the left and one on the bottom right, rendered by two embossed circles.
On the left side, towards the muzzle of the machine, on the lower side is a metal bar to support the tall mast, rendered by a small horizontal and thickened rectangle.
The tall left mast, on which the loaded weight is lifted to a certain level, is marked by two vertical and long lines, joined together by short horizontal and parallel lines, like a ladder.
To the left of mast is fixed the carriage with the tilt cylinder and the load backrest, that lifts and lowers the weight loaded at its base on two forks with lengths depending on the machines’s loading concept.
In the case of electric forklifts for vehicles, these forks are much longer and the machine is also equipped with a crane.
The forks, from side being illustrated only one, are marked by a thin rectangle, vertical and embossed, connected at the bottom left to a triangle with a very elongated and sharp tip, representing the fork itself.
General information
For the transport of materials over long distances, we can use various means of transport, such as trucks, vans and freight trains. But to load the materials into these means of transport, we need another van, called a forklift. The forklift helps to handle materials and transport them over short distances. It is used in many areas, such as construction, logging and waste sorting.
Depending on the fuel used for propelling, we distinguish diesel, petrol, LPG or electric forklifts.
With the help of forklifts, the materials are transported from the collection site to another means of transport, for example, from the warehouse, to a truck. Also with the help of the electric forklifts, the materials are loaded and unloaded from the other means of transport. The materials to be transported are organized on pallets, i.e. well-structured piles.
The forklift not only transports, but also handles the organized goods on the bye. It can rise to different heights and places, so that the weight is evenly divided.
An electric forklift has the following main components:
- The frame to which the other components are attached;
- Power supply, that is battery;
- The hydraulic part to which the forks are attached;
- forks with which the pallets are handled.
Electrical stackers or electric forklifts are the most environmentally friendly because they do not burn fuel or emit smoke in atmospheres. Another advantage is the low cost of operation and maintenance, compared to those diesel or gasoline.
The main disadvantage is that it requires a charging station, and the time to charge the battery is several hours.
Did you know that electric forklifts are the only ones that can be used in enclosed spaces? If a diesel or petrol forklift were used in a space without ventilation, it would endanger the health and even the lives of workers.
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