tactile images
tactile catalog
Use any QR Code Reader to study the catalog or download the Tactile Images READER app to explore independently!
Fuel your imagination with untouchable concepts!
The ”Biology” self-describing catalog is meant to help the blind discover a large variety of of fauna and vegetation.
- free
- easy to use
- yours forever
- independent study
What will you discover?
- Animals
- Birds
- Insects
- Plants
- Trees
- Human body
We created the ”Biology” self-describing catalog with the support of OMV Petrom.
Follow the steps and explore independently
Get the free ”Vehicles” catalog
Download the Tactile Images READER app
Emboss the drawings
Start exploring
we need you
Do you want to empower
the blind?
Help us keep the Tactile Images e-learning platform free and develop it more rapidly.