Image description

The image shows Transalpina, the highest road in Romania, a national road DN 67C located on the tops of the Parâng Mountains in the Southern Carpathians group, the lower side of the Romanian mountain range, seen from above, as a winding line, represented by a blank curvy line.

The road crosses an extremely rugged relief or a rough surface, difficult to cross, and is characterized by numerous twists, which take the form of loops.

The mountain range of Parâng is highlighted by a large, embossed shape, notched in the upper edge.

At the right top of the road is a car, viewed from above, moving in a southwesterly direction.

Additional data

Transalpina is the highest road in Romania, reaching a maximum altitude of 2145 m, which makes the connection between Transylvania and Oltenia. The road starts from Salesti, passes through several villages of downhill shepherds, then climbs slightly to reach Obârșia Lotrului. The portion between this point and the Rânca locality is impressive through serpentine streams and spectacular natural scenery. It is also called the King’s Road, Carol II using this route coming from Sinaia. Following a visit by the King in the early 1930s, he would have ordered the partial rehabilitation of the road by paving with stone.

The initiative to build the road, however, belongs to a lawyer at the top of the Gilortul Bank, at the beginning of the 20th century, but who, following an untimely death, fails to bring the project to fruition. In 1934, the new management of the bank, in the person of a local from Novaci, requests the Prime Minister Ghe. Tătărescu to rehabilitate the road. Obtaining the support of the Royal House, the works start in the same year, and in 1936, the road is inaugurated by the King.

Memories of journalist A.P. Samson describes a moment since the inauguration of the road, in front of the convoy being King and Ghe. Tătărescu, in a Ford car. Adventurous and amused, Carol would have started to climb on the edge of the precipice, while Tătărescu was looking dreadfully from the right seat. In the same crazy chase, the car was driven by the king to Târgu Jiu


1. ***, Șoseaua Transalpina, accesibil online la adresa–oseaua-Transalpina.aspx 9 decembrie 2018.
2. ***, Secretele fabuloasei Transalpina: cum s-a construit cea mai înaltă şosea din România. Un avocat a transformat drumul ciobanilor în cel al regilor, accesibil online la adresa 9 decembrie 2018.
3. Ioan Scurtu, Istoria românilor în timpul celor patru regi (1866-1947). Carol al II-lea, vol. III, București, Editura Enciclopedică, 2004, p. 177-178.

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