Image description

The image shows the process of transforming biomass into biogas, which is further used as an alternative fuel to obtain electricity.

The biomass is represented by the dung from a cow, marked in the image on the right edge, sitting on the ground, directed to the right, rendered embossed. The cow pies and generally the waste product of bovine are retrieved in an underground bioreactor.

The underground bioreactor is located in the central part, underground, highlighted by a horizontal and blank rectangle, with a funnel shape on the upper side, from where the dry dung for decomposition are retrieved.

In this bioreactor the cow manure is in a process of decomposition caused by microorganisms that do not need air to survive and feed on them causing certain chemical reactions.

This process is represented by wavy, vertical and parallel lines, illustrated inside the rectangle.

The ground at the bottom edge is rendered by checkered texture.

On the left edge is the biogas farm plant of renewable energy production, which takes over the gas obtained from the dung processed by fermentation and compression, and from the resulting biogas, made up of methane and carbon dioxide.

During the process of combustion, an acceptable amount of carbon dioxide is released, which is used by plants in their photosynthesis and does not affect air quality.

The biogas plant is marked by an embossed square with the roof in the shape of a triangle and the chimney in the upper right, in the form of a vertical rectangle.

The carbon dioxide removed from the chimney is rendered by an arrow pointing to the bottom right, which means its circuit in nature.

General information

Just as natural gas is obtained in nature by the decomposition of organic matter, i.e. by the fermentation of plant and animal remains, so biogas is obtained according to the same process. The difference is that, while natural gas is formed under special conditions at extremely high depths and pressures, biogas is obtained on the surface using biogas plants from various organic wastes. Examples of materials that can be converted into biogas are: cow and pig dung, manure from birds or expired and altered food. The biogas obtained can be used both for electricity generation and for heating homes. One of the advantages of using biogas is that this fuel is a renewable energy resource, because the carbon dioxide released during burning is that assimilated by plants during the growing season. Therefore, the combustion of biogas does not bring new carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

Another advantage is that, because of the fermentation, in addition to biogas, a very good natural fertilizer, called compost. 

Compared to other renewable resources such as wind power plants and photovoltaic parks, which depend on weather conditions, biogas plants can operate properly throughout the year.

The first modern biogas station in Romania was built in Prahova County and was commissioned in 2013.



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