(b. 27 January 1861, Butimanu, d. 27 August 1943, București)

Image Description

A man over 50 years old with small eyes, prominent nose, short hair, moustache and a goatee, dressed in military uniform.

The forehead is covered by a military hat, with a full star in the middle.

The texture of close, slightly curbed lines represents the moustache and the short goatee.

The tunic is rendered by the texture of full squares.

The epaulets are represented by wavy texture, and the collar through circles.

There is a full medal attached to the right epaulet, which symbolizes the sum of all military decorations, reduced in this drawing to one.

Historical information

Constantin Prezan, Commander of the Romanian Army during World War I and marshal since March 1930, was born on January 27th, 1861 in Sterianul de Mijloc, Butimanu village, today in Dambovita County.

After graduating primary school in his home village, he attended the School for Military Sons between 1874 and 1878. He then completed the School of Infantry and Cavalry Officers (1880), the School of Artillery and Engineers (1883), and then the School of Artillery and Engineering Applications at Fontainebleau (1886) [Bibliography 1].

After returning to Romania, he was the royal adjutant of Prince Ferdinand until 1901, when he was appointed commander of the 7th Racova Regiment in Vaslui. Serving as Brigade General since 1907 and Division General since 1912, he was appointed head of the Grand General Headquarters from November 30th to December 13th1916 and from November 21stto December 4th1917, head of the Army [Bibliography 2].
According to Petre Otu, he was preferred by King Ferdinand and Ion I. C. Bratianu to Averescu, considering that the latter had political ambitions [Bibliography 3].

After the war, he was appointed honorary member of the Romanian Academy in 1923, and in 1930 he received the rank of marshal. He was also named head of the 25th Infantry Regiment.

During the reign of Carol II, he was a royal counselor [Bibliography 4].

He died on August 27th, 1943, and his national funeral was organized by marshal Ion Antonescu [Bibliography 5].


  1. Dan Botez, Constantin Prezan. Mareșalul datoriei, Craiova, Scrisul românesc, 2014, pp. 19-21
  2. Petre Otu, Mareașul Constantin Prezan. Vocația datoriei, București, Editura Militară, 2008, pp. 23-24, 35, 103
  3. Petre Out, Comandamentul Armatei Române în Campania din toamna anului 1916, în REvista de Istorie Militară, nr. 5-6 (97-98)/2006, pp. 24.
  4. Lucian Predescu, Șefi de partide politice priviți cu ochii vremii lor, Constanța, Ex Ponto, 2006, p. 693.
  5. Petre Otu, Mareșalul Constantin Prezan. Vocația datoriei, București, Editura Militară, 2008, p. 8.

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