(b. 31 January 1908, Bucharest, d. 31 December 197, Bucharest)

Image description

The image depicts a man who is over 40 years old, with a receding hairline, bushy eyebrows, curved nose with prominent nostrils and a heavy jaw. He is wearing a suit.

The head is framed by the back combed hair depicted here by a texture made up of slightly wavy lines.

The wavy texture also represents the classic jacket he is wearing over the shirt. The shirt is depicted by a texture of embossed squares.

He also wears a highlighted and embossed tie.

Historical information

Teohari Georgescu was born on 31 January 1908 in Bucharest. His life before joining the communist movement was that of typical middle class youth [Bibliography 1]. His formal education ended after the fourth grade, and after his military service, he worked as an apprentice of a typesetter in the main printing house in Bucharest, Cartea Românească [Bibliography 2].

In 1940, Teohari Georgescu was sent to Moscow to receive training coordinated by Gheorghi Dimitrov [Bibliography 3].  A year later he was arrested and sentenced to ten years imprisonment, following his return to Romania. He only served three years out of his sentence in the Caransebeș and Văcărești penitentiaries. He was released on 23 august 1944 after the arrival of the Red Army [Bibliography 4].

After being released, Teohari Georgescu became the undersecretary of state at the Ministry of Interior on November 4, 1944, and on March 6 1945 he finally becomes Ministry of Internal Affairs, a position he would hold until May 28 1952 [Bibliography 5].

From his position as minister he would become one of the main responsibles for the communization of Romania. He is also one of the responsibles for the aggressive repercussions against the political opponents of communism, from historical political parties, to anti-communist fighters sheltered in the mountains and peasants who opposed collectivization. Georgescu believed firmly in gradual and individual annihilation of”class enemies” [Bibliography 6].

Later in life he returned to his old workplace, Cartea Românească, where he was appointed manager of the facility, now named ”Întreprinderea 13 Decembrie”. He occupied the position until 1963 when he retired [Bibliograhpy 9].

Despite being rehabilitated at the April 1968 Plenary by Nicolae Ceaușescu, Teohari Georgescu never regained the power he had at the beginning of the communist regime.

He died on 31 December 1976 in Bucharest.


  1. Florica Dobre, coord., Membrii CC al PCR 1945-1989. Dicționar, București, Editura Enciclopedică, 2004, p. 287.
  2. Dennis Deletant, Communist terror in Romania. Gheorghiu-Dej and the Police State, 1948-1965, Londra, Hurst and Company, 1999, p. 23.
  3. Marius Oprea, Bastionul cruzimii. O istorie a Securității 1948-1964, Iași, Editura Polirom, 2008, p. 297.
  4. Stelian Tănase, Clienții lu’ Tanti Varvara. Istorii clandestine, București, Editura Humanitas, 2016, p. 298.
  5. Dennis Deletant, banalitatea răului. O istorie a Securității în documente 1949-1989, Iași, Editura Polirom, 1999, p. 570.
  6. Doc. 383, în M. Pelin, Cartea Albă a Securităţii, vol. I, pp. 456-457.
  7. Gheorghe Onișoru, Pecetea lui Stalin. Cazul Vasile Luca, Târgoviște, Editura Cetatea de Scaun, 2014, p. 262.
  8. Dan Drăghia, ”Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej și grupul moscovit„, în Ștefan Bosomitu, Mihai Burcea (coord.), Spectrele lui Dej. Incursiuni în biografia și regimul unui dictator, Iași, Editura Polirom, 2012, p. 172.
  9. Ianoși Ion, Internaționala mea. Cronica unei vieți, Iași, Editura Polirom, 2012, p. 178.

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