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Meet the Virtual Assistant of the Blind, A Mobile App Ready to Teach Them Whenever and Wherever They Want
The blind cannot explore tactile graphics on their own. The exploring process requires the presence of a sighted person, known as the specialist above the shoulder. This person must have enough time, knowledge about the explored subject, patience, and limitless...
You Can Use Food to Emboss Tactile Graphics for under $1
Embossing tactile graphics for the blind does not have to be pricy. You do not need a particular printer or type of paper. All you need is patience and tools you can find around the house like adhesive and some ingredients. We’ll teach you how to emboss tactile...
Tactile Maps Give the Blind the Chance to Explore the Streets of their Neighbourhood and Gain Spatial Knowledge
When you go to the bakery, you know exactly where to turn and where to stop because you can see all the significant landmarks around. The majority of the blind need another person’s assistance to go out and buy bread. And that is because the blind need training to be...
The Importance of Tactile Graphics in Helping Blind Children Understand the World Accurately
Every exploration process enriches our knowledge of the world, and exploring is made through the senses. But what happens if one of the senses is missing? Studies show that because they do not have access to visual exploration, blind children create distorted and even...
The READER Mobile App Uses Machine Learning and Image Recognition to Help the Blind Learn Independently
One of our greatest desires is to see that every blind person has independent access to visual/spatial content. We know this might sound like fiction, but it’s not. Blind people can enjoy visual content though tactile drawings, but only with the help of another...
Discover a Simple DIY Technique for Embossing Tactile Graphics – 100 Times Cheaper Than Other Methods
Sighted people take tens of pictures and browse through hundreds in one single day. For the blind, on the other hand, tactile graphics - which are embossed simplified drawings - are a real scarcity. And that is because embossing is very expensive. The regular blind...
You Can Now Be a World-Changer by Participating in Crowdfunding for the Blind
We all want to be the heroes of our own stories. But becoming the hero in someone else’s life is what makes you are a real hero. Especially if by doing so, you get to be part of a global wave of changes, along with others who support the same mission. We believe that...
The Online LIBRARY of Self-Describing Images Revolutionizes the Way Blind Children Learn
The majority of blind people travel only with the help of another person. This dependency is seen especially in the case of children, who cannot get to school without the help of their parents. And this harms their education, primarily visual education, because they...
The READER App shifts the educational paradigm of the blind from 1:1 to 1:1.000.000
Did you know that in 2018 there were 1.025 million blind children in the world? And that the educational development of every child is closely linked to the existence of a teacher? Because their condition requires constant direct interaction with a teacher, they are...
Due to the “An iPhone for Independent Living” Campaign, the iPhone You Forgot in Your Drawer Can Become the Superhero of a Blind Person
Psychologists state that we spend too much time with our eyes stuck in our smartphones and that we should watch each other in the eyes more often. But there are people whose existence can be radically changed with the help of a smartphone. I'm talking about the blind....
The Tactile Images READER App Turns the Smartphone into a Vital Tool for the Independent Study of the Blind
If each blind student had a teacher to explain to him, it would be much easier for him to assimilate information. And if he could take his teacher home, to continue his study, it would be even better. It's already so. Now, any blind person can have a personal virtual...
How to Adapt Tactile Graphics Downloaded from the Online LIBRARY to the Independent Study of a Blind Child Free of Charge
As children grow continuously, they are always in need of updated content to suit their age. And when it comes to blind children, it seems complicated to keep up with all the tactile materials that appear. The e-learning platform comes to meet the...
You Can Manually Emboss Tactile Graphics with Adhesive, Textile Materials or Food
The term embossing is vital for the study of the blind. For the unsighted, any graphic material must be highlighted to be "visualized" by touch. No exception. In the past, this was an expensive process, attributed to thermoforming techniques. Now you can manually...
The Zoo-Library of the Blind or the Place Where You Can Download Tactile Graphics with Animals
The blind can now touch the nose of a deer or the wings of a butterfly. And this without going into the forest or the park. In our vast online Library on the e-learning platform, you can find hundreds of tactile graphics you can download for free....
The Digitization of Tactile Materials – The Effort of the Sighted Leads to the Independent Study of the Blind
Do you have tactile materials at home, created for the study of the blind? It can be sheets, illustrations, books, maps or catalogs. Now you can resort to the digitization of tactile materials to encourage the individual study and independence of the blind. ...
Upcoming Events
Launch of the drawing software
The DRAWER will empower sighted people (family, teachers, volunteers) to create representations of the surrounding world through personalized tactile graphics. More Details
Launch of the DIY printer
This financially-accessible solution for embossed printing will be available for anyone around the world. More Details
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