We all want to be the heroes of our own stories. But becoming the hero in someone else’s life is what makes you are a real hero. Especially if by doing so, you get to be part of a global wave of changes, along with others who support the same mission. We believe that the blind deserve to be seen. This is why we started an educational revolution, and we now invite you to join us.
Read on to find out more about the needs of the blind and how you can become a world-changer!
a) Our projects
- Free e-learning platform
- Free Mobile App for iOS
a) E-learning platform – maintenance and development
b) Mobile App for Android
c) Dictionaries
d) Webinars
a) Individuals
b) Companies
1. Tactile Images – The educational revolution for the blind
Because we’ve been working with the visually impaired for over a decade we got to understand their needs and developed countless projects to facilitate their access to education, social integration, and better living.
a) Our projects
- Free e-learning platform
Because they use their hands to relate to visual information, the blind need unique tactile materials to relate to the world around them. In school, visually impaired children make use of tactile graphics, simplified embossed drawings, to discover objects they cannot touch in real life, geometrical figures, abstract notions, and maps. Unfortunately, tactile graphics are scarce and very expensive to produce.
Because we wanted to facilitate their access to education through visual representations, we created the online LIBRARY of self-describing tactile graphics. The LIBRARY is comprised of about 800 graphics and can be accessed free of charge by anyone around the world.
The e-learning platform also has an EDITOR module, where sighted people can create personalized tactile graphics or adapt existing ones.
- Free Mobile App
The blind cannot explore tactile graphics by themselves. Their condition requires 1:1 education, meaning the constant presence of a teacher. This dependency implies that both their education and professional development is slowed down considerably.
We created the Tactile Images READER App because we wanted to empower the blind by allowing them to explore tactile graphics independently. Independent learning is done with the aid of modern technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Interactive Virtual Reality, and Machine Learning that help trace the finger on the graphic and voice-over that transforms text into audio information.
You can download the App from the AppStore free of charge.
2. Why do we need funding
a) E-learning platform – maintenance and development
We intend to keep the access to the LIBRARY and EDITOR free of charge, but we cannot do it without you. We also want to enrich the LIBRARY with new tactile graphics permanently.
What is more, we are currently working on developing another module, called DRAWER, a place where sighted people can create personalized tactile graphics from scratch, with no particular artistic skills.
Another module of the e-learning platform we are developing right now is a DIY PRINTER, based on an adhesive and syringe system. Once finished, sighted people will be able to create their PRINTER by following our example. The PRINTER will significantly reduce the cost of embossing tactile graphics.
b) Mobile App for Android
Because we aim to reach all the blind persons who have a smartphone and change their lives, we also want to create an Android version of the READER App. Unfortunately, this will be more expensive than the previous version because we have to match it with all the existing mobile brands using Android.
c) Dictionaries
Because the blind can learn foreign languages quickly, we want to enrich our LIBRARY with dictionaries of tactile graphics to help them study independently and eventually get new jobs as interpreters or translators.
d) Webinars
We want to create webinars to teach the blind skills helpful for a future job. We thought of starting with call-centre operators because this would be a suitable job for the majority of blind persons. All they need is access to the internet.
3. Who can help and how?
a) Individuals
If you’ve reached this section of the article, you must have the desire to change the lives of the blind. Any small donation helps. Let’s say that you donate $10. You might think it’s not much, but by doing so, you will help us change the world of the blind. Just imagine what happened if 1000 people from all over the world donated those $10. You alone would become a world changer.
There are many platforms for you to donate. You can make it by bank transfer right here: BCR RO42RNCB0072135032030001 – The Urban Development Association, Tax Identification Number 25066833.
Another way of donating is by reaching us out on platforms such as PayPal or Bursa Binelui. If you become a Patreon, you can support us monthly and we can walk this path of changing the world of the blind together.
b) Companies
There are so many ways in which you can help us change the world. You can make a bank transfer or access any of the platforms mentioned above. Your contribution will be greatly valued and turned into world-changing projects.
You will not only make it to our website as a sponsor, but you will also make it into the hearts of the blind people across the globe. Associating your name with this revolution will echo through time and space.
Do you want to be a part of our community? All you have to do is reach us out. You can ask us or suggest anything right here.
We are world-changers. We have countless ideas that need you to see the light of day. By supporting our mission now, you will change the lives of the blind forever. Be a world-changer yourself!
Do have any questions regarding crowdfunding? Leave us a comment in the section below!
Image source: Toa Heftiba | Unsplash