Description of the image
The image shows the official map of Metrorex, of the underground transport network, respectively of the subway in Bucharest.
The capital city Bucharest is rendered full in relief, and over it the Metrorex network unfolds, rendered as thick, empty lines.
There are four main lines, from M1 to M5, on which the subway runs, with fifth one still under construction, summing up sixty one stations with passage.
The end of each subway line is at the edge of each of the six sectors, on the edge of the embossed texture of the city, and is rendered as a large, empty diameter ball.
The main lines are:
M1, which surrounds the center of the Capital, followed by
M2, which cuts the city from north to south, then
M3, which crosses the capital from west to southeast,
M4, which branches from M1 to the northwest, and
M5, the most recent one, crossing the city from southwest to its center.
The subway stations are represented by a smaller, hollow circle, and are present along the bus lines.
The intersections of two or three metro lines are highlighted by a thick point, centered in the hollow circle of the respective common station.
Historical data
Industrialization was one of the greatest promises of communism and perhaps the only successful one. In Romania’s case, the communist period brought major changes and modernization in the field of industry. One of the most important implementations was the construction of an underground transport system.
Since 1908, a plan for the construction of a subway line in Bucharest appears, through the licensing work of Dimitrie Leonida (Bibliography 1). However, the plan construction of the underground network would start to be implemented much later.
There was an attempt to start the project even in 1952, but without success. Only in 1971, the Popular Council of the Municipality of Bucharest set up a commission that had the role of documenting the progress of the underground transport system ( Bibliography 2).
Three years later, in 1974 it was officially decided to start the construction, which would have three buses: Stăvilarul Ciurel – Titan (bus I), Pipera – Berceni (bus II), and the third bus would connect all the city’s districts. Bibliography 3. The following year, the project is started Bibliography 4.
- Lucian Nastasă, Itinerarii spre lumea savantă: tineri din spațiul românesc la studii în străinătate, 1864-1944, Cluj-Napoca, Editura Limes, 2006, p. 238.
2. Antoaneta Etves, Trenul subteran face noi opriri. Două stații de metrou de deschid astăzi! Cât a construit Ceaușescu și câte stații s-au dat în folosință în ultimii 27 de ani. Galerie FOTO, disponibil online la aceesat la 03.12.2018.
3. Constantin Vitanos, Alexandru-Claudiu Vitanos, România de la “Marea cea mare” : ţinut original – îmbogăţeşte patrimoniul umanității. Opinii externe, București, Editura Mica Valahie, 2018, p. 29.
4. Ibidem.
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